Asam Pedas Buah Lakum

Its local name is Buah Lakum/ Ubi Kertas ( Vitis Diffusa). Perlis people love to call it "jungle wine" because this fruit is almost as good as grapes. According to Mrs, Hasnah Binti Mat this dish is a traditional dish of the people of Kampung Ujung Bukit, Bintong. These dishes are slowly been forgotten by younger generations today as it is hard to get the fruit. However, this fruit cannot be eaten raw because they can cause itching. The process of making this dish requires only a few ingredients like shrimp paste, chili, dried chili, onion , garlic, lemongrass, and fish. When cooked it will turn black from its original colour, green. The fruit too can be used as fishing bait several river fish like Ikan Baung and Kalui love it. Other benefits of this fruit are: can be made into juice to quench thirst, treatment care after giving birth, act as herbal medicine, and take care of boils.
Name: Puan Hasnah Binti Mat
Address : Kampung Ujung Bukit , Perlis.